Tuesday 5 October 2010


Hi, well an update on the foot-its a lot better and the rash has gone, yay! so i havent got a tropical and deadly disease, panic over! working this week which is going ok, we are doing an event on thursday with some other clothing and art producers which should be good. Owen is going to Kuala Lumpar tomorrow for 2 nights which sucks, he got really last minute notice from work-as usual so we are both feeling a bit rubbish about that. But we are keeping focused on our trip away this weekend to Phuket, have a look at the resort, just to make you ultra jealous! http://www.indigo-pearl.com/
Met Rowan for lunch today which was nice and we ate at a vegi resturant in Holland Village near where i work. This area is full of expat mums who have nannies and basically spend all their time lunching and shopping-alright for some! hence the more european restaurants. Running club tonight! Owen was meant to be playing football tonight but he has too much work to do, poor thing. Well no rest for the wicked, back to work! weather really hot today! lots of love xxx

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow mate that resort looks amazing - you'll have the best time chilling out :-) Glad rash cleared. Enjoy your lovely hot weather (jealous much!) Just off to the gym in my lunch break to work up a sweat - freezing here :-(
xxxMel xx