Thursday 21 October 2010

Thank God Its Friday!

Hello! Well thats another week almost gone buy. Owen went to bangkok last night and is back late tonight so not too bad. Hes playing golf with a client this afternoon so its hardly hard work!hehe! I'm going to book club tonight-well its really an excuse for rowan, me and some of the other girls to go out for dinner and a few drinks! I had the best dream last night that i had a pet Orangutang! he was so cute and ate bananas! haha! i know, im mad! Oh and all the Harry Potter films i had ordered arrived last night so i watched the most recent one in bed which was nice. Cant wait for no 7 to be released! Louise and Jenny are looking at flats for Owen and I in edinburgh this weekend so im looking forward to hearing the verdict! fingers crossed! Owen and I are planning to go to the Tanjong Beach club tomorrow afternoon to chill out with some friends and then go for a walk in the jungle on sunday!
Anyway back to work...

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