Thursday 14 October 2010

tanjong beach

Just back from Tanjong beach club with rowan where we spent the afternoon and I got a bit sunburnt, opps! but have really been getting into my new book-the girl with the dragon tatoo-which everyone is raving about! Rowan and I and 2 other girls are having a little book club and this is our first book!haha! so on the job front. I have finished my month trail period with Gina & Jake which i enjoyed but it was long hours etc and meant i didnt really get to do much else in Singapore. I enjoyed doing marketing/PR and made great progress with the company, it has shown me that this is a field for further exploration! She has offered me further work which is great and shows i did i good job for her. But we have 5 weeks left now in Singapore so i am weighing up the benefits of working for her more (albeit for very very little money!) and having the time off now to enjoy being here. Im going to have a thinking about it and make a decision tomorrow so watch this space! also love to hear your thoughts....xx

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

enjoy your freedom mate while it lasts! plenty of time in life to work. You've made really good progress/experience working there. Go for photoshoots etc and be lazy and enjoy the rest/exploration of Asia :)

That's what i would do :) ! xxxx mel xx