Wednesday 27 October 2010


Hi, I'm writing from our hotel room in KL! I came here last night adn met owen and we went out for a nice meal in town with Dave (his colleague). Today Owen went to work and after meeting him for lunch i wondered round some lovely shops for inspiration for my xmas wish list-mulberry and anya hindmarch (whos shop i have never been in as only in london and KL-AMAZING stuff!) are going to feature highly!hehe! went for a swim in the roof top pool, which isnt really roof top-its undercover on the top floor and surrounded by a bar, so was strange being watched while i swan-needless to say i only stayed for 5 mins as it was too uncomfortable! Anyway i visited a local market too where i got my nails done-oh the jobs of being a kept woman! Been dreaming up more fabulous designs for Harriet Sparks too so watch this space! Owen back from work soon then heading to dinner. I am actually seeing a lot more of him here than in Singapore as he has been working more normal hours which is a first! KL is fine, quite run down but ok. I stand out a lot more here being blond and tall and wearing western clothes and walking around on my own. The taxi driver was very suprised i was venturing out without my man! bit wierd! thats all for now folks! x

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