Saturday 2 October 2010

sightseeing and doctors!

Hello all, sorry i haven't updated for a while. I have been feeling bit sorry for myself as i was biten by something on wednesday night i think and my ankle swelled up and then my entire foot and then friday night a noticed a rash all up my arm, so after owen calmed me down from thinking i was going to die of some tropic disease we went to see the docs on sat. He gave me some anitbiotics etc, which have started to take affect but making me feel bit drowzy :(

Owen and i have been relaxing this weekend, went on a tour bus and on the singapore flyer which is like the london eye. Last night we discovered a nice barcalled KPO and went to dinner at Giraffe resturant in the park nearby.  Golf on tv today so owen is watching that! and we went for a lovely brunch at a place called PS Cafe which is in the main expat area, lovely food! owen had eggs benedict and i had yoghurt and museli and we shared a strawberry scone but have taken most of that home in a doggie bag as too much food! 

I bought myself a Marc Jocobs bag today as a prezzie for working almost a month! is so lovely and pvc leather so no animals were harmed in the making!have been building a blog/twitter etc as want to start promoting animal friendly bags, clothes and shoes so that they are more accessible for people like you and me to buy. and i want to show people that you can buy really nice things too! I went to an event about animal cruelty on friday and is just aweful what happens to these poor cows and sheep etc for us to have bags/belts/jackets. so im making a stance! look at have got loads of great feedback from it already and animal welfare is starting to get noticed in Singapore now like it is in the UK. in line with that rowan and I are hoping to host an eco friendly fashion show for mid november which will be fab. 

Major thunderstorms last night so i was awake from 4am although owen managed to sleep through! No other chat really, work tomorrow and holiday in Phuket on sat for 3 nights! cant wait!! xx

drinks at KPO last night

gorgeous Marc Jacobs bag!

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