Monday 18 October 2010

Singapore RDA and the weekend.

Hello, had a really nice relaxing weekend with Owen. CHilled out and went for dinner and watched a movie (the kite runner-amazing!). I had the photoshoot for a dress designer and Scene magazine which went well. They were doing a doll theme and I was a fairy! had really fun make up on and met some lovely people, so that should be published in their Jan issue :)
I went to the polo club today where a woman i met is loaning a horse so i saw her horse, Cocoa, who is lovely and we took her out for some grass as it was her day off being riden. the polo club is fab-very luxurious and lots of amazing horses! they all get kept in stables unlike what i am used to back home but there are fans in them to keep them cool. Then we went to riding for the disabled (RDA) which is next door and where Nicki volunteers. We looked after and led a horse called Paint and had a lovely little girl who has cerebral palsy riding (she had 2 helpers keeping her on), as soon as she got going her face lit up and she loved it! she cant communicate verbally but for the first time in her life she said 3 words last week while Nicki was with her! there were some other kids who were more physically abled who were having a great time and obviously really benefiting from being with the horses. we went for a walk in the jungle and saw a massive monitor lizard on a tree! it must have been 5 ft long and 1 ft wide! so i am going to be taking over form Nicki for the next 3 mondays which i am excited about. 
Well 5 weeks left till we are back in Edinburgh. We have been starting to look at flats and contact agencies to get the ball rolling. I have also been in in contact with Maisie's owner (the horse i shared in Edinburgh) and with great luck for me the sharer who had taken over form me has given her up so i can have her back when we get back to Edinburgh! I am so pleased. Although i think all my hard work on her will have gone down the drain by now so its back to working on her from scratch! 
Oh i almost forgot to say that owen and i plucked up the courage to go on this mental ride at Clark Quay. its a bunge/ball/catapult thing!  I have attached pics, very scary but totally worth it!
We have been having some sad news about a very great family friend who lives back home who has been taken back into hospital and is very ill so that has been really upsetting. It is especially hard because we are so far away and I wish we could be there visiting him in hospital and helping out with his family.
Anyway, i'm working for the rest of the week for G&J and Owen is off to BangKok(AGAIN) on thursday/friday and away all next week which is rubbish :( I never thought i would say this but i can't wait to get home! so i can see all my wonderful friends, Topple, family and Owen!! xx

the ride!




1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Laura
I hope your week has gone well . We are all okay , weather has been glorious but cold starts to the day . I think the weekend will bring storms and rain. Dad and I off to Rome on Monday evening until Friday and really looking forward to the break . Is Owen away for the weekend as well ? I hope not but if that is the case I am sure that you will keep busy .
Hopefully we can speak over the weekend
Love mum