Sunday 24 October 2010

Happy Monday!

Hello all!
Back at work today but going to KL tomorrow till thursday which i am looking forward to! Owen left at some silly hour like 4:30am this morning to go to KL, poor thing. At least its just one sleep this time before i see him again :)
We had a lovely weekend. We chilled out on sat morning and then met friends at Tanjong beach club in the afternoon and chatted and played some volleyball-well i attempted it but i was terrible and kept shying away from the ball when it came near me as i was scared it would hit me! its a very big ball! So i retired to the sunbed with Rowan after 5mins! Owen did well though. That evening we went for dinner at a Japanese resturant we hadn't been to before and it was really nice.
Sunday we went for a hike/walk in the jungle at the national park which we great. Lots of monkeys and lizards to look at. Then in the evening we decided to go to a new Hawker centre we hadnt been to before in Little India, but it was not nice and so so busy and almost all the people were indian men so i felt really intimidated. Then we realised it was the Deepevali festival so all the men (im not sure why there were no women-if you know please enlighten me!) were out on the streets. So we escaped to a small indian resturant and had some yummy curry!
FYI (The name Diwali is itself a contraction of the word Deepavali (Sanskritदीपावली Dīpāvali), which translates into row of lamps (inSanskrit).[3] Diwali involves the lighting of small clay lamps (diyas) (or Deep in Sanskritदीप) filled with oil to signify the triumph of good over evil. During Diwali celebrants wear new clothes and share sweets and snacks with family members and friends. Some Indian business communities begin the financial year on the first day of Diwali, hoping for prosperity the following year.).
Louise and Jen went to look at a flat for us in Edinburgh on sat and gave us the feedback-looks really nice but the only problem is that it is a bit too far out of town for us i think. So the search continues and we have contacted agencies about lots more flats so hope to find something soon. 
Right im going to get lunch as starving! lots of love xxx

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