Sunday 19 September 2010

singapore night safari

me and Reggie!
Well Owen has just left to go to Thailand for the week :( so feeling a bit sad! had a lovely night last night at the Night Safari! there were lots of places to eat there, although the only vegi options were indian! but it was yummy. then we got on the train thing and went around the park seeing lots of animals in their 'natural' habitiat, it was nice beacause there were no fences they were separated from us and each other by water and cattle grids. we saw elephants and tigers, little otters that were squeaking at each other! fruit bats, rhino, deer, wild dogs and many other amazing animals, i was in my element! we then did the walking route and saw some of the same animals close up which was great.  Owen got me my owen orangotang to take home too :) i have named him Reggie!
So i completed my first week at Gina&Jake last week. Starting to settle into the working routine again and enjoying it although feeling very tired! achieved lots last week too: wrote and sent out our first press release, designed some e-marketing tools and arranged future events. so all good stuff!
I did a bit of shopping too and got some nice summery work outfits :) anyway i think thats about all the top news at the moment. xxx

fruit bats

dinner at the park

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