Wednesday 22 September 2010

Hair dressers!

So i finally did it and braved the hair dressers. Got a recommendation to go to Toni and Guy so booked in with them after checking a number of times that they definately had experience dying caucasian hair! most hairdressers here wont touch blonde hair as so different from aisian hair. anyway was terrified and felt even worse after the hair colourist said she didnt think she could match the blond that my hair was as it was so light! i convinced her that my hair usually takes in the colour well as its blond anyway. so after 2 long hours, i night add she was very good at putting in the foils, my new beautiful and yes perfectly blonde locks were revealed! no more roots!yay! but OMG it was not cheap, i paid the same amount for a half head colour here as i would for a full head plus cut in the UK. when i told owen this he said-so if you only got a half head what about the other half?! lol! boys! for those of you who dont know, half head is all the roots half way down the head just not all the underneath-which you cant see anyway. so was an overall success!
anyway just back and picked up a baked potato from the swiss food stall-i know, bit random but they seem to have a think about the swiss here!
F1 starts tomorrow! i can not wait! owen back tomorrow too (2am friday really but anyway), so double bonus!!
lots of love xxx


Anonymous said...

your so funny mate - this bit of banter really cheered me up at work! Glad you have gorgeous blonde locks once more! Enjoy your F1 weekend and spending time with Owen. Miss ya, love Mel xxxx

Anonymous said...

Hi, glad you are blond again ! Off on boat today as my day off is Thursday now and the weather forecast for this area is not good.Noel coming into Nice, working. As there is general strike here he is delayed so we will meet him later in town .
Have a great time with Owen at the F1
love mum x