Thursday 23 September 2010

Avalon opening night VIP party!

Hi! well i won 2 VIP tickets through Bazaar mag here to go to Avalon club opening night at Marina Bay last night! so Rowan and I heading along to the free bar after work! was great fun, fab music, although a bit too hardcore clubby by the time we left! we also got interviewed by MTV Aisa so we are looking out for that! and got lots of pics taken! lots of fun and heading there tonight too for Rowan's birthday party (already had tickets booked). Chemical brothers are DJing so should be awesome! Owen arrived back at 1am this morning, poor thing is very tired but im so glad to have him back! not sure how long we will stay out at the club tonight tho, i think Owen may be asleep in the corner by 10pm! And its the F1 this weekend! started today-practise race, we have tickets for sunday night race so we are very excited about that too! so much going on!! I LOVE SINGAPORE!xx ps TGIF! xx

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