Tuesday 28 September 2010

F1 sunday night race

We had a great time watching the F1 race with Rowan and Andi on sunday night. Lewis Hamilton walked right passed us too after he was knocked out-he looked very grumpy-unsuprisingly! we had our earplugs in to protect our ears as it was so noisy! Then we watched the beginning of Mariah Carey who was shockingly terrible! such a shame as rowan and I were really looking forward to it!!x

Friday 24 September 2010

avalon night 2 and grand prix!

so the grandprix started yesterday. we went to rowan and andi's new flat for drinks and cake to celebrate rowan's birthday and then headed to Avalon-again! here are some pics of the night, their beautiful flat and the F1 circuit from when we were at 1Altitude.x
the circuit from 1 Altitude

rowan and andi's balcony

crazy times at avalon!

the girls!

Thursday 23 September 2010

Friday treat lunch

so i treated myself to the most amazing grilled veg chibatta from an italian place up the road for lunch AND im currently eating a cupcake i got from there..oh i love Friday binges! i deserve it :) xx

Avalon opening night VIP party!

Hi! well i won 2 VIP tickets through Bazaar mag here to go to Avalon club opening night at Marina Bay last night! so Rowan and I heading along to the free bar after work! was great fun, fab music, although a bit too hardcore clubby by the time we left! we also got interviewed by MTV Aisa so we are looking out for that! and got lots of pics taken! lots of fun and heading there tonight too for Rowan's birthday party (already had tickets booked). Chemical brothers are DJing so should be awesome! Owen arrived back at 1am this morning, poor thing is very tired but im so glad to have him back! not sure how long we will stay out at the club tonight tho, i think Owen may be asleep in the corner by 10pm! And its the F1 this weekend! started today-practise race, we have tickets for sunday night race so we are very excited about that too! so much going on!! I LOVE SINGAPORE!xx ps TGIF! xx

Wednesday 22 September 2010

Hair dressers!

So i finally did it and braved the hair dressers. Got a recommendation to go to Toni and Guy so booked in with them after checking a number of times that they definately had experience dying caucasian hair! most hairdressers here wont touch blonde hair as so different from aisian hair. anyway was terrified and felt even worse after the hair colourist said she didnt think she could match the blond that my hair was as it was so light! i convinced her that my hair usually takes in the colour well as its blond anyway. so after 2 long hours, i night add she was very good at putting in the foils, my new beautiful and yes perfectly blonde locks were revealed! no more roots!yay! but OMG it was not cheap, i paid the same amount for a half head colour here as i would for a full head plus cut in the UK. when i told owen this he said-so if you only got a half head what about the other half?! lol! boys! for those of you who dont know, half head is all the roots half way down the head just not all the underneath-which you cant see anyway. so was an overall success!
anyway just back and picked up a baked potato from the swiss food stall-i know, bit random but they seem to have a think about the swiss here!
F1 starts tomorrow! i can not wait! owen back tomorrow too (2am friday really but anyway), so double bonus!!
lots of love xxx

Tuesday 21 September 2010


Well am at work again! going well and been getting some interest from our press release which is great. Owen is busy in Thailand and looking forward to getting back on thursday. It's Rowans birthday today so we were going to meet for lunch but she had to cancel as she had an interview. im trying to get motivation to do some exercise tonight as we aren't doing running club till thursday this week. weather hot and nice. F1 drawing closer! and for you cricket fans aparently england have been accused of cheating-means nothing to me but owen was up in arms about it!lol! no other chat really....xxx

Sunday 19 September 2010

singapore night safari

me and Reggie!
Well Owen has just left to go to Thailand for the week :( so feeling a bit sad! had a lovely night last night at the Night Safari! there were lots of places to eat there, although the only vegi options were indian! but it was yummy. then we got on the train thing and went around the park seeing lots of animals in their 'natural' habitiat, it was nice beacause there were no fences they were separated from us and each other by water and cattle grids. we saw elephants and tigers, little otters that were squeaking at each other! fruit bats, rhino, deer, wild dogs and many other amazing animals, i was in my element! we then did the walking route and saw some of the same animals close up which was great.  Owen got me my owen orangotang to take home too :) i have named him Reggie!
So i completed my first week at Gina&Jake last week. Starting to settle into the working routine again and enjoying it although feeling very tired! achieved lots last week too: wrote and sent out our first press release, designed some e-marketing tools and arranged future events. so all good stuff!
I did a bit of shopping too and got some nice summery work outfits :) anyway i think thats about all the top news at the moment. xxx

fruit bats

dinner at the park

Thursday 16 September 2010

1 Altitude

Happy Friday! been a long hard week but done loads of great work in my new PR/marketing role! sending out my first press release today! rowan and i went to an amazing roof top bar called 1 altitude which is on the 63rd floor! and looked over all of singapore and we could see malasia and indonesia, was so beautiful! so thats my new fav evening place! right back to work xx

Tuesday 14 September 2010


Just did the 5k at the running club with Rowan in 27mins! not bad going for our first attempt :) back home now for beans on toast as too tired to go out! received a lovely handwritten letter from Owen's grandma which was a nice suprise and cheered Owen up after a hard days work.bye for now!x


almost finished my second day at work and is going well :) getting into the swing of things but finding it hard to cope with 9-6pm working hours now! used to my afternoon naps and waking at 9! running club tonight x

Sunday 12 September 2010

First Day

Feeling a bit nervous as my first day tomorrow with GinaandJake! working from george's house initally. have made my packed lunch so am all set :) will let you know how it goes! x

Saturday 11 September 2010

Audi R8

oh my god i cant beleive i forgot to say in the last post that Theo has an Audi R8!! my favorite car in the whole world!! so he took me for a spin and i got to drive it!!!!!!its soooo amazing!!!!

Tanjong Beach Club

Went out and met up with friends Theo and Georgina yesterday at Tanjong beach club, its on Sentosa which is a little island just off the coast: took a monorail over to the island but can also get a cablecar or drive over the bridge.  The most amazing place ever! man made and a bit like a disney land place....just beautifully made and there is a universal studios there with a princess castle! beaches all along the coast with beautiful palm trees. The tanjong beach club is THE place to be! we reserved a day bed next to the pool and had drinks and chatted and swan while listening the the DJ-definately the life! Then had some dinner adn met up with some of georginas other friends, Anna who has a bikini selling company-sells Missoni! so i was chatting to her about linking in with Gina and Jake and shes an xmodel so was telling me about good agencies etc. Her and her fiance and her son live on Sentosa! is such an amazing place and when the sun was setting it was just beautiful! http://www.tanjongbeachclub.com/ have a look at the pic. Mulberry had this A/W fashion show there with a catwalk over the swimming pool!! we thats the aim for ginaandjake! off for brunch with the girlies, last day off before work tomorrow! xx

Friday 10 September 2010

6 month anniversary

Owen took me out for a lovely evening for our 6month anniversary tonight :) we went to Raffles hotel for the famous Singapore Sling and some champers! then headed along to the marina for dinner by the shore which was lovely....

Thursday 9 September 2010

green cards! we are legally here now!

behind the scenes!

touch ups!

too tall for the makeup artist!

working from home

morning all, well Owen and I have been feeling a bit under the weather the last few days but feeling a little better now. Owen is working from home today as it is a public holiday here in Singapore, so its nice having him around although i am keeping quiet for once!going to do some design drawing for Gina&Jake, got some fab ideas while out shopping with Rowan this week. xx


so went to a studio shoot today with a new photographer and makeup artist that i havent worked with before. Rowan came along too and did a great job of styling! makeupartist was fab and photographer was ok, but think am going to work with some others too to get some more shots-Norah is going to put me in touch with some experienced people which'll be fab! let me know what you think of the proof shots (pre photoshop!) 

Wednesday 8 September 2010


well we have had thunderstorms all day! so Rowan and I went shopping and i got 3 new pairs of shoes-opps! but did NEED them!!hehe! so we have postponed zoo till friday pm. photoshoot tomorrow which should be good, then drinks with the girls. x

Tuesday 7 September 2010


well the crate has finally arrived after 2 weeks! so we have lots more of our things here althogh not sure where im going to keep it all! Owen and I went to a fab food hall on mon night which was indoors, relaly big and had great live music playing, so i think we will be going there again soon! had a few thunderstorms the last few days which is good as it had been getting really humd-so it should clear the air. Photoshoot tomorrow which im looking forward to, rowan is coming too which is great. got loads planned over the next few weeks-sentosa beach club to watch the sun set, the nighttime grandprix, club openings to attend, brunch at the Fullerton! its all happening! xx

Sunday 5 September 2010


at the markets

eating in chinatown

at the MRT

out for dinner with Rowan

ice cream and modeling!

Owen and I had a lovely weekend, last night we had icecream from Maggie Moos (i think is an american chain) but its amazing! u make your own icecream mix or have one of their recipies ie i had cookie dough and they took vanila icecream, oreas, fudge and choc sauce and mashed it all together on a marble board! it is the best thing i have ever tasted in my whole entire life!!!! seriously!! owen was definaltely in agreement! on the modeling front have got in contact with a photographer and MUA (makeup artist) in sing and going to do some test shoots on thurs which will be great! Rowan coming too to do some styling work. anyway of out for food, owen just back from doing some lengths in the pool xx

Friday 3 September 2010

Gina and Jake

So i met with Georgina who owns Gina and Jake bags (www.ginaandjake.com.sg). She is Owen's friend form homes wife. We went for a lovely lunch in a subburban area near her house at a cafe  called PS Cafe then went back to her lovely house (x-army barracks houses). and to cut a long story short i am now working for her on a month trial basis! so exciting!! going to be doing PR/Marketing work to develop the Gina and Jake brand in Singapore and then branch out all over the world in the future! so will let you know how it goes. xx

owen is home!

so after a week apart Owen has finally returned from Thailand, tired but well. He had a long week working and is glad to be back in Singapore. Rowan and I went out last night to the new bars on the waterfront. we had a lovely pizza and then went to join my new friends Theo and Georgina (www.ginaandjake.com.sg). we were going to go to the Lantern bar which is a roof top above the Fullerton on The Bay (amazing hotel in the CBD) but it was full so we went to a near by Oyster Bar for a cocktail! So beautiful as everyone was outside and it was so warm-almost too warm to sit out! We overlooked the marina and it was so amazing being surrounded but such tall skyscrapers which were all lit up behind us! We plan to go to a roof top bar soon to get a fab view of the whole city! right am going to do some pilates and enjoy a relaxed day with Owen :)

Thursday 2 September 2010

running club

had a nice few days chilling out and exploring some more. Rowan and I joined in the running club this evening, is great. everyone gets together and does a warm up and dumps there stuff in a pile, someone then leads the 3k, 5k, 7k and 10k runs around the marina and you get timed and get free juice at the end! Rowan and I did really well in the 3k, and the heat wasnt as much of a problem as i thought it would be. it was about 7pm so the sun was down. So we are planning to go every thursday or tuesday and im going to buy myself a new Nike running outfit if i can keep going for 1 month and move up to 5k :) watch this space!!