Tuesday 16 November 2010

last week in singapore

well here we are, one week to go! i planned to spend the week topping up my tan but today and yesterday have been rain days, but singapore style ie major monsoons with thunder and lightening! the only way to describe it is a constant wall of water like walking through a waterfall! i actually love watching and it is so noisy its really cool, like nothing i have experienced before. i will miss that. just been to the gym as running club rained off and rowan cant make it anyway, i will definatley miss running club, and rowan.We are having a spa day on sunday while to boys go golfing and then a BBQ in the evening to celebrate our time in singapore and say goodbye-for now! They are getting all christmassy here now, with lights and decorations going up in the streets and stores. Getting me in the xmas mood! cant wait to go to the christmas market in edinburgh this year! really looking forward to getting back and setting up our new home and seeing all our friends again :) Looking forward to a family christmas a Owen's this year although will be my first Christmas away from home which will be weird, but i guess thats what growing up is about! I saw on the news that the ski season in scotland has started already! very excited! anther fab reason for going home. anyway off to Skype the folks! xx


Anonymous said...

Hi Laura
hope your packing goes well . Before you will know it you will be on that flight back to the UK . You have really made the most of your time out there . Really looking forward to seeing you this time next week !!!
Say hello to Owen .
Love mum

Anonymous said...

Hi Laura,
Glad you are enjoying your last week in Singapore. Have a good flight back (keep fingers crossed for an up-grade!) and we'll see you next weekend when we deliver your "new" car!
Lots of love
Dad XX