Monday 1 November 2010


Well we are going back to Edinburgh 3 weeks today exactly! Looking forward to it now especially as we have just signed for a bungalow in West Fenton! It's a beautiful house with 3 bedrooms and large open plan living area with a garden. It is next door to a riding stables which is perfect! The train is just down the road too so Owen can commute into work easily. About 30mins driving time outside Edinburgh so thats fine. It will be a very welcome change after 9years living in Edinburgh city. It will mean we have to plan further in advance meeting up with friends but we will have a car so won't be a problem at all. Also te house will be great for entertaining too! have a look at the pics :)
Only 4 days left working for Gina & Jake then i have a week and a bit off for chilling and xmas shopping before we go home.
Back to work, speak soon and happy November! not long till we get the advent calenders out! x

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