Friday 10 December 2010

back in Blighty!

Just a little update for those of you who are still reading my blog...Thanks!
We arrived back in Edinburgh 2 weeks ago and are settling in well into our lovely cottage in the country! We finally have the heating working again and the big freeze has bit us hard, but it does look beautiful! Owen is settling back into work with lots of xmas parties and I am working hard on The Mind Curve. I'm also doing some marketing for The Edinburgh Address.
We are loving having Topple back and hes been exploring the house and garden with his usual intrigue!
We are getting to know the neighbours and I am starting to get involved with the RDA and riding stables just round the corner so hopefully I will get a horse soon!
Lots of love xx

Tuesday 16 November 2010

last week in singapore

well here we are, one week to go! i planned to spend the week topping up my tan but today and yesterday have been rain days, but singapore style ie major monsoons with thunder and lightening! the only way to describe it is a constant wall of water like walking through a waterfall! i actually love watching and it is so noisy its really cool, like nothing i have experienced before. i will miss that. just been to the gym as running club rained off and rowan cant make it anyway, i will definatley miss running club, and rowan.We are having a spa day on sunday while to boys go golfing and then a BBQ in the evening to celebrate our time in singapore and say goodbye-for now! They are getting all christmassy here now, with lights and decorations going up in the streets and stores. Getting me in the xmas mood! cant wait to go to the christmas market in edinburgh this year! really looking forward to getting back and setting up our new home and seeing all our friends again :) Looking forward to a family christmas a Owen's this year although will be my first Christmas away from home which will be weird, but i guess thats what growing up is about! I saw on the news that the ski season in scotland has started already! very excited! anther fab reason for going home. anyway off to Skype the folks! xx

Tuesday 9 November 2010

Modeling Pics

A few initial pics (not in high res) of the photoshoot i did recently for the Singapore designer and Scene magazine's Jan issue. The theme was Fairy tales!

Monday 8 November 2010

Weekend exploring

Well we had a lovely weekend exploring parts of Singapore we hadnt been to before. Including East Coast Parkway which is a large coastal park with lots to do including cylcing, skating, waterskiing...we hired bikes and had a picnic which was lovely. Then on sunday we did a 10k hike through the jungle and the treetops at MacRichie reservoir which we really enjoyed but was very tiring! Also saw lots of monkeys and baby ones too! x

Tuesday 2 November 2010


Moved up to the 7k group in the running club last night!! Owen came with me too as Rowan is away this week. Owen did it in an very impressive 31mins!! i was a bit behind at 38mins but am still proud! We were drenched in sweat by the end-ewww! Am going to miss running club when we get back to edinburgh! x

Monday 1 November 2010


Well we are going back to Edinburgh 3 weeks today exactly! Looking forward to it now especially as we have just signed for a bungalow in West Fenton! It's a beautiful house with 3 bedrooms and large open plan living area with a garden. It is next door to a riding stables which is perfect! The train is just down the road too so Owen can commute into work easily. About 30mins driving time outside Edinburgh so thats fine. It will be a very welcome change after 9years living in Edinburgh city. It will mean we have to plan further in advance meeting up with friends but we will have a car so won't be a problem at all. Also te house will be great for entertaining too! have a look at the pics :)
Only 4 days left working for Gina & Jake then i have a week and a bit off for chilling and xmas shopping before we go home.
Back to work, speak soon and happy November! not long till we get the advent calenders out! x