Monday 30 August 2010

monday 30th

hello! well Owen has gone to Thailand for the week so im facing a week in singapore without him! missing him already but it will be fine. we went to sort out our short term visas today which was fine. I went back to the fabric market to price up silks and trimmings, so cheap for what you get and such beautiful fabric! need to get dress and bag making! have been contacting all the local modeling agencies to try and get some work, not sure how much work there is for white models here but we will see. got some contacts for events and marketing jobs so may be some potential work there too, fingers crossed! Rowan has found out about a running group on thursdays so we are going to start doing that-good way to meet people and get fit again! i was good and did my pilates this morning, starting to get into a routine-pilates, exploring, lunch, swim, shopping, sunbathing, dinner, bed!hehe! right off to read my book and hopefully get a call from owen when he lands! xx

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