Tuesday 20 July 2010

A new start...

Well things are really set now to go, I have booked my flight and decided to go BA from Edinburgh to Singapore which is the same flight as Owen so that’s good. Trying to organise storage for our stuff here in Edinburgh, did consider sending it all to Norwich to Owen’s parents but it seems that will be too expensive. So Self Storage it is! I’m trying to get a company who will collect the boxes too as really don’t want to carry everything down the stairs-I always end up in top floor flats! Oh great the tv has just announced that BA are saying there may be more strikes! Well we will be homeless on the date of our flight so will be fucked if they postpone our flight! Ok im  not going to start stressing about that now! hehe! So packing, yes that’s one thing we have to get done. We are going because Owen’s company are sending him out there to their office in Singapore for 3months. So when he asked me I jumped at the chance to go with him-its always been my dream to live abroad and I did so a lot when was a child (will tell you more about that later!), Owen has given up his flat too. I am currently selling my car so that’s on Gumtree right now! Fingers crossed someone will snap it up. Oh and one other major part of my life, my cat Topple….my friend Martha is looking after him for the 3 months so he will be in good hands but I am going to miss him so much and really don’t want to leave him! I got him about a year ago, he’s about 7 years old, he’s very special because he has epilepsy so needs medication twice a day and his hips don’t sit right so he waddles when he walks! Hes so loving, but I have to say I’ve always been a dog person rather than a cat person but when I met Topple I fell in love! He is so dog like in nature! He follows me everywhere and plays with my lipgloss on the floor for hours on end! So I think there will be lots and lots of tears when I leave L him.  I cant believe how many things there are to tie up before I go, im unsure where I will get my mail directed to and also where I am going to send my contact lenses to! I guess I’ve got to cancel all my bills for electricity etc although I’m thinking that that is not going to be straightforward, the same goes for council tax! On another note I want to tell you about Harriet Sparks Designs, well I’ve always been entrepeneurial and known I wanted to have my own business and I came up with a great storage bag idea earlier this year (im keeping it top secret just now but I will update you once it is all ready to go live and be sold!) as far as my research has shown it is something that hasn’t been done before. So I have designed some prototypes with the help of my friend Carolyn and when I’m in Singapore I’m hoping to find some amazing materials in the markets to use. Then I want to start marketing and selling the bags. Im very excited but nervous too as I really want it to take off! To give you some background on me, I’m a trained Psychologist but have just given up my NHS post, I have decided that Psychology isn’t for me and my passion is for fashion and marketing which is what I am going to persue! I have finally come to the decision that I need to make myself happy and I have known for a long time that being a therapist doesn’t.  I have modelled for a number of years too, mainly catwalk which I love. Now I have the time I’m also going to start pushing that area of my life, I did an amazing photoshoot yesterday so I cant wait to see those pics! Im going to take my portfolio to agencies in UK once back from Singapore, but im also going to try and get some work in Singapore when I am there. I entered Miss Edinburgh last month and was the runner up! I met so many wonderful people and some amazing contacts there which has really helped me move forward with my Harriet Sparks designs. Talking of work in Singapore I may be that I will be working for a lady who owns a handbag making company so that’s really exciting! Shes looking for someone to work on marketing and PR and also design for her so fingers croseed! That would be my dream job just now! So yes there are lots of things going on with my life and as usual my brain is on over drive! Having an overactive mind is a blessing for all the ideas it gives me but a curse for never letting me rest! You will definatley hear the ups and downs of that through out my blog! Gosh I have really banged on! I think that’s enough for this entry, there is so much more to tell you but I will hold off till my next blog-which will be really soon! Lots of love xx

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